Behold the Freshness:

Verizon CTO weighs in on Access Fees
- 2006-03-31

Kyle Smith's Love Monkey
- 2006-03-07

Franchise Agreement Controversy
- 2006-02-21

The End of Free Lunch?
- 2006-02-07

At&t/SBC, Verizon, BellSouth owe you $2000
- 2006-02-01

The Undocumented Blogger
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I am one of T.H.E.M�. O.K. not really.

The answer to last entry�s question is�

The facts in this riddle are clear: There is an initial $30 charge. It should have been $25, so $5 must be returned and accounted for. $3 is given to the 3 friends, $2 is kept by the bellhop - there you have the $5. The trick to this riddle is that the addition and subtraction are done at the wrong times to misdirect your thinking - and quite successfully for most. Each of the 3 friends did indeed pay $9, not $10, and as far as the friends are concerned, they paid $27 for the night. But we know that the clerk will tell us that they were charged only $25 and when you add the $3 returned with the $2 kept by the bellhop, you come up with $30.

Our first entrant with the correct answer was Jes, she will receive 25 points for getting it right and being first, because unless you are first or worst, no one remembers you. And speaking of worst, Michelle gets 5 points to help alleviate the headache caused by question 2 of the great big hotcarl blog contest. A 15 point award goes to everyone else who got the question correct, Warcrygirl and Anisettekiss. Finally, Juddhole gets 10 points for agreeing with me, always a good thing to do.

As always, you can find a running total of points and leaders on the great big hotcarl blog contest Leader Board, located here.

On Friday, my wife had her wisdom teeth surgically extracted. It seems they were growing in side ways and putting undo pressure on her other teeth, so the doc said they had to come out. Besides spending all weekend waiting on her hand and foot, which isn�t really a bad thing as that is her job when she is well, I started wondering what wisdom teeth were even for.

I still have all mine, they grew in straight and perfect. In fact all my teeth are straight and perfect, never even had one single cavity and aside from the bad breath that is inherent with never brushing, you�d swear I had designer dentures. Unable to relate to the pain of such a dental intrusion, I can�t help but wonder why so many people have to have them taken out. Why do we even have them in the first place if most people have to have them removed? Since they are wisdom teeth, do people become dumber once they have been removed? Does the dentist give them to the Tooth Fairy and keep the change for himself? These are all questions I have.

Aside from looking like a cross between the woman I married and Beetlejuice from the Howard Stern show, everything seemed to go fine for her. I am pretty sure she is tired of living on Jell-O Pudding and Campbell�s Tomato Soup, so she is fortunate that today is probably the day the swelling will go down enough that she can eat something that doesn�t preclude its name with the adjective �strained.�

Speaking of teeth, it would seem a man in Florida was arrested for allegedly bludgeoning his wife with a 3-foot alligator he kept in his bathtub. When asked why he did it, he said she had previously bit him on the hand when they ran out of alcohol. He should consider himself lucky. Had it been me who ran out of booze, I would have feed him to that damn gator and then pur�ed the thing, making a nice set of luggage from its hide, with matching boots and a gator-tooth necklace of course.

The third question! **cue drum roll**

This question is weird. Test yourself, but remember - The most important thing is to follow the instructions very carefully and not to scroll down too fast. Now, count the following easy calculations in your head as quickly as you can. It might help you if you say the answers aloud. Follow the instructions one at a time and as fast as possible.

How much is:

2 + 2?

8 + 8?

16 + 16?

Fast! Think of a number between 12 and 5.

Ready? Don't change your original number!

Scroll down!

Now go post the number you picked as your answer to the this entry's question.

Have fun,


P.S. Next week, Molars!

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