Behold the Freshness:

Verizon CTO weighs in on Access Fees
- 2006-03-31

Kyle Smith's Love Monkey
- 2006-03-07

Franchise Agreement Controversy
- 2006-02-21

The End of Free Lunch?
- 2006-02-07

At&t/SBC, Verizon, BellSouth owe you $2000
- 2006-02-01

The Undocumented Blogger
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Ben, the giant rat... (not the one Michael used to sing about)

Would someone be as so kind as to tell me why this Ben Barnes thing is news today? Where was Dan Rather with this interview last election or how about when the guy came clean in May? Seriously, is there anyone out there that did not know Bush probably got into the National Guard because of who he is or rather who he was the son of? Man, you dems must really hate those swift boat guys, either that or they touched a vein and you are scared shitless. My guess it's more of the latter.

On a side note, are you ready for some FOOTBALL!? Yeah, me too.

I haven't commented on the Russian school terrorist incident mainly because I have been extremely busy of late. But you need not worry; I have many opinions on the subject with which to spew forth the vast knowledge that is contained within the hotcarl.

1. Bush, call Putin and tell him whatever it takes, whatever he needs, what ever he has to do... WE will support them.

2. Terrorists, you don't kill kids! 9/11 was awful, but holding 1000 kids hostage and taking pot shots at them, killing over 150, and telling the others they don't need a drink, they can drink their own urine crosses the line. You are lucky I don't have as many suicidal nut job friends as you or we would be rounding up every one of your relatives and fellow followers of the "religion of peace" and be mounting your collective heads on the ends of polls all Vlad the Impaler-style.

3. After the Russian men take their 4 days of morning or what not, I hope they kill, maim, dismember, rape, pillage, or whatever other creative torture they can think up for every one of you backward fucks.

It's time we all, as peace loving citizens of Earth, realize we are at war. We did not ask for this war. We did not want this war. It has been forced upon us by the brainwashed followers of a religion that values terror and death over peace and life. As these horrible acts of terror increase in frequency and savageness, we must answer back. We must not fall back into a nation of people waiting and hoping that nothing bad will happen to us or our children.

It is time the so-called peace loving Muslims stand up for what is right and just and begin turning in those who would disgrace their religion in the name of fear. It is time they lead by example or by God we will. It is our responsibility to insure those we have allowed to share our homes, our schools, and our lives are worthy of the trust we have given them.

One notable Islamic leader blamed the deaths of the 150 children on the Russian government for storming the building. It was not the Russian government that took those children hostage, it was not the Russian government that placed bombs over the heads of children, it was not the Russian government that forced the children to starve and drink their urine to survive dehydration, it was not the Russian government that opened fire first, and it certainly was not the Russian government that shot children in the name of God.

Until the very Muslims that seek our protection and urge us to believe they are peaceful make efforts to stop the growing terror, they should all be held accountable for the sins of their fellow worshipers.

Have fun,


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