
jes - 2004-06-01 15:45:06
against abortion at all phases of pregnancy? (I am assuming you are ok with partial birth if a woman's health is [legitimately] at risk)...
hotcarl - 2004-06-01 15:48:37
I am against abortion for me, for any other it is their choice. I wouldn't think of restriciting that choice, especially for health reasons. I am against the aborting of any baby that could conceivably live on its own. If that is where you, not you specifically but you meaning an impregnated woman, are at, just give birth and give it up and your commitment is done. Why take the extra step to have it killed? Just my 2 cents.
jes - 2004-06-01 18:22:51
morally, i agree. legally, i dunno, but a sort of common understanding about the right thing to do, yeah, i agree. whats the difference to you between a dead baby out of your life and a live one, right?
hotcarl - 2004-06-01 18:25:59
Exactly! Like I said before. I am nto a right to lifer or a pro choicer. I think its each persons choice, plain and simple. I just think either party shoul dget the choice and I think if the baby is far enough along that it could live if born right then, then it is better to induce labor and turn to adoption than to induce labor and drive a spike into its head.

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