Behold the Freshness:

Verizon CTO weighs in on Access Fees
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Kyle Smith's Love Monkey
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Franchise Agreement Controversy
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At&t/SBC, Verizon, BellSouth owe you $2000
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The Undocumented Blogger
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I�ll take what�s behind door number 3, Wink!

I hope you all had a wonderful three day weekend� because I sure didn�t. Big plans plus lots of free time equals prime opportunity to enact murphy�s law. We had our worst server crash at work since I was put in charge of disaster recovery.

Saturday I was out being all Martha Stewart-like taking care of the yard. I came in for a drink and noticed my cell ringing off the hook. A quick check in and I was on the road to the office. Four hours and most of the good weather later, I was finished and on my way back home.

Sunday I was back in the yard laying out the nearly one ton of over priced rubber mulch I purchased for the kids playground and again the phone rang. I braced for the inevitable news and was once again on the road to the office, the same server needed rebuilt. This time I managed to do the same job in less than 3 hrs, so I am getting faster. This time though, the cause was not a hard drive failure or anything like that, but a fellow administrator who was making some changes on the new server and typed the command wrong and managed to copy over every single file, rendering the machine completely useless.

Normally in this situation I would whip out the AR-15 and lay waste to my co-workers and their families, but since I was feeling all peaceful and shite, I only ran over a few stray puppies with my car on the way back home. All kidding aside, I would never hurt a puppy, they were actually kittens.

Having worn myself out both physically and mentally this weekend, I am already looking forward to Friday; though I am sure my drinking habit will not let me go that long with out the sweet nectar of beer. Mmmm beer.

Speaking of beer, I saw a Federal court judge just over turned the partial birth abortion ban law passed last year. She, the judge, said that banning any form of abortion takes away from a woman�s right to choose.

For those of you who don�t know what a partial birth abortion is, and the only thing this law bans, it is when a doctor actually has the patient, i.e. the mother, give birth to the baby, then when the baby comes out all alive and shit, he, the doctor, drives a spike into its head killing it.

Back to the woman�s right to choose. The way I see it, women do have a right to choose, in fact they have a couple of opportunities to make choices too, not just one. The first opportunity a woman has to make a choice is when the man comes up to her and says, �hey baby, I is drunk, you be hot and drunk n� shit, let�s phuck.� Here is the woman�s chance to do some screening. She can say yes or she can say, �no, I don�t think it would be wise to sleep with the guy in the wife beater and Dale Earnhardt �3� cap with 2 teeth and a mullet.� If she chooses wisely, her choice making is done and she will be able to sleep worry free. However, if she chooses poorly, she should have to live with the consequences just as a man would. So here comes her second choice, she should now get to choose whether she wants to keep and raise the demon-spawn she now carries or if she wants to give it up for adoption, not whether to drive a spike into it�s head or not. See, women have several opportunities to make a choice, what are they bitching about?

What choices does the guy have? He doesn�t hold the key to your panties. He�s not the gate keeper to the Promised Land. He just wants his willy wet. It is the woman�s duty to choose the right cowboy to ride her. What if the man wants to keep the kid? Shouldn�t he have that choice, too? What if he doesn�t want to? Again shouldn�t he have that choice, too? If it�s a woman�s right to choose, it�s should also be her responsibility to live with the consequences, no matter what they may be.

Until next time kids,


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