Behold the Freshness:

Verizon CTO weighs in on Access Fees
- 2006-03-31

Kyle Smith's Love Monkey
- 2006-03-07

Franchise Agreement Controversy
- 2006-02-21

The End of Free Lunch?
- 2006-02-07

At&t/SBC, Verizon, BellSouth owe you $2000
- 2006-02-01

The Undocumented Blogger
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Love and marriage, love and marriage�

Last night I managed to catch a couple episodes of the UK series "The Office." If you haven�t seen this yet, you owe it to your tickle bone to try and catch the reruns on BBC America or pickup the surprisingly affordable DVD collections of season 1 and 2. Shot like a mocumentary, it�s very astute in its portrayal of the typical personas found in an office environment, from the boss who thinks he�s a riot, though no one actually likes him, to the gullible kiss-ass that follows him around like a lost little puppy you are sure to find people you recognize. I half expected to find a bitter 42 year-old fine arts graduate that's stuck in a go nowhere shoe sales job and a loveless marriage that takes her self-loathing out on her more carefree co-workers every chance she gets, but alas Sal Bundy was no where to be found. Maybe they�ll add that character in season 3.

Don�t tell anyone, but for some reason I really like the WB show �Smallville.� My wife thinks it�s because I have a superman complex, since I am always finding myself attracted to girls with �problems� not that she has problems, but the road to Happytown hasn�t always been a smooth one, but that�s another story. I think it�s more of having been a bit obsessed with the Superman character since I was a kid. I find Superman the icon even more important in today�s morally deprived society. Here is someone who lives his life by a code, weighing every decision he makes with right and wrong and always choosing what he feels is the right, no the just thing and not letting his feelings or pressure from outside sources lead him astray. �Smallville� is a new way off looking at a character everyone in the world knows intimately, one where we get to see the events in his life that helped shape the character of Superman, although it be in your typical teenage melodrama format and not always well written.

Why I brought that up, I have no clue. Maybe it�s because I am growing more and more skeptical about the direction our society is heading each day� Or maybe it�s because anisettekiss has a huge crush of stalking proportions on Michael Rosenbaum and it�s my way of saying, �hey, I watch �Smallville� and he�s in that. We should get naked.� Yeah, that sounds entirely more plausible.

Until next time kids,


P.S. I have decided to stop using the above closing sentiment, so say your goodbyes to �Until next time kids� this will be the last time you will see it.

P.P.S. I know you don�t care. I just wanted to put a PS because it makes me special. Maybe I can ride the short bus to work now.

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