
jes - 2004-07-22 16:51:28
policy. but I reserve the right to amend my answer. goddamnit.
JoeCartoon - 2004-07-22 18:03:18
For a guy who does legislative relations... Easy. Foreign Policy.
JoeCartoon - 2004-07-22 18:05:25
Oh, and thanks for the bonus alcoholic points now. It's good to know that I'm ahead of Uber and Meesh.
warcrygirl - 2004-07-22 19:22:00
Foreign policy
warcrygirl - 2004-07-22 19:23:02
DAMMIT! That's what I get for not reading the comments before posting.
Bigpimpinmba - 2004-07-23 07:45:25
This is so friggin easy. It's Polacks for Icy-Hot.

Foreign Policy. Yeah right, like that's it. You people think you're soooo smart.

Foreign Policy. That's a good one.
anisettekiss - 2004-07-23 10:13:18
Have I told you lately that I think you're hot!? I haven't? YOU ARE HOTTT!
JuddHole - 2004-07-23 13:17:38
I'm not sure why Joe feels it's necessary to share his sexual preferences with us, but he's WRONG.
This one is almost too easy.
It's "Pole For Icy."
Obviously a reference to me rubbing Tiger Balm on my CockNBalls the other day.

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