
chadly - 2004-07-30 10:45:28
I poked fun at a cripple too! Really, I did. How about 1 point for the effort? Please?
Anisettekiss - 2004-07-30 10:51:52
HOT underpants.
hotcarl - 2004-07-30 10:53:44
Well that you did! I can't believe I skipped over it. I remember your Christopher Reeve line fondly. I will rectify the situation with the next post.

He said rectum, hehehehe.

No he didn't asshat, huhuhuhuh
JoeCartoon - 2004-07-30 16:18:38
I'm going to throw out an answer even before you give us the question. The answer will be a Macanudo cigar. I give myself enough points to be ahead of Judd.
Bigpimpinmba - 2004-07-30 16:24:25
I think that the little rhyme that he threw out WAS the question. My answer is "The Weekend".

I'd also like to protest that the last time Hotcarl did one of those brain teasing things, he gave the points to the people who didn't answer what you were supposed to. You twisted bastard, changing things up on us! Have a good weekend!
warcrygirl - 2004-07-31 17:49:01
No, it's SEX! That's the answer! What else is closest to heaven? I think we should all celebrate and get laid this weekend. Yeah, yeah...that's the ticket..

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