Behold the Freshness:

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The Undocumented Blogger
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Top 10 Candid Moments from Day 4 of the 2004 Democrat National Convention


"Tickle, tickle, tickle"


"You put your right foot in and you shake it all about..."


"Da roof, da roof, da roof is on fire,
We don't need no water, let the motha...


"Little boy, if any bully tries to pick on you, just do what I do.� When he's not looking run up and just kick him in the nut sack, like this.� HEEEE-YAH!"
"Daddy, this old man is scaring me!"


"Holy crap!� If we don't get out of here now, we're all going to be crushed!� Save yourselves!"


*clap* "I.. N.. G.. O..," *clap* "I.. N.. G.. O..,
And Bingo was his name-o


"Your plan worked great, Brain.� I re-enact some war scenes for my Super-8, give myself some purple hearts for my selfinflicted wounds, come back here protest the war, call my fellow soldiers war criminals, wait a few decades and run for President.� I can't believe these chumps are falling for it!"
"Yes Pinky, and soon we will take over the world!� Muhahahahahahaha"


"Senator Kerry, why are you wearing a yellow sweatshirt under your dress shirt and your blazer?� No wonder you were up there sweating like a stuck pig."


"Here, feel Teresa's breast.� Firm for a gal her age, hunh?"
"Senator Kerry, this is highly inappropriate behavior for a man in your position."


"I'd like to thank you, Mr. Bubble, for all your support.� We will do our best to win the White House come November."

*Bonus Moment*

"Can you believe all of these people showed up for our wedding, Johnny?"
"I've told you before, Senator Kerry, I am not attracted to you and we are NOT getting married.� Now will you please pay attention."

We hope you�ve enjoyed all the behind the scenes candid moments our blogger credentials were able to bring you. Be sure to check back in with us in late August early September when we bring you all the candid moments from the Republican National Convention. Hotcarl, out!

I am not sure if you are all some kind of weird geniuses or you thought I might use the same scoring system as the last calculated response quiz, but most of you were wrong. The correct answer was �Carrot�

Juddhole and Warcrygirl both get 20 points each for their correct responses. Plus another 10 points each for taking the time out of their busy days to insult cripples, which always proves to be a good time.

So go check out the great big hotcarl blog contest Leader Board, already.

Question number 11,
is the next best thing to heaven,
But you�ll have to wait until Monday,
to find out what it will say�

Have fun,


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