Behold the Freshness:

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The Undocumented Blogger
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Top 10 Candid Moments from Day 3 of the 2004 Democrat National Convention


While introducing her husband Elizabeth Edwards blushes after she inadvertently let one slip.


As Senator Edwards took the podium, he reminded delegates, "Get those damn signs higher.� Look if you can't get it right, I am going home.� Higher damn it, higher!"


"Is my hair on straight?� It doesn't feel straight.� Damn horse hair toupees."


When responding to comments on Senator Edwards's new slogan, 'Hope is on the way,' "Help? Oh it's supposed to be 'Help' is on the way.� My bad."


"What you talking 'bout, Willis?"


"Ha ha!� Look how fat your underarm is!� Gobble, gobble, gobble. Ha ha!"


"Here's a little ditty 'bout Edwards and Kerry,
Two rich bastards without any worries.
Kerry's pretending to be a wartime hero,
Edwards thinks a better choice would be Deniro..."


"Two trailer park girls go 'round the outside, 'round the outside..."


...organizers reveal the theme for this year's convention.


"Aren't you that chick from Sex and the City?� Wanna do me and my buddy Phil?"

**Bonus Moment**

"Look, I don't think you're getting it!� Two guys can marry each other in Massachusetts.� Two guys!"

The correct answer to yesterday�s questions was in fact 0. There were no black dots. I was being a prick when I said there were in the comments, I just wanted to see if anyone was crazy enough to do the math to figure out how many pixels were black.

Warcrygirl steps in and takes top prize for her correct answer, 25 points. Bigpimpinmba gets 50 points for being crazy enough to �do the math.�

Once again, the great big hotcarl blog contest Leader Board.

The tenth question.

Test yourself, but remember - The most important thing is to follow the instructions very carefully and not to scroll down too fast. Now, count the following easy calculations in your head as quickly as you can. It might help you if you say the answers aloud. Follow the instructions one at a time and as fast as possible.

How much is:

1 + 5?

3 + 3?

4 + 2?

5 + 1?

Repeat the number 6 in your head as fast as possible for 15 seconds.


Think, think...

Now go post your vegetable as the answer to this entry's quiz.

Have fun,


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