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The Undocumented Blogger
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Top 10 Candid Moments from Day 2 of the 2004 Democrat National Convention.

Since most of you may have missed the excitement on the floor from day two of this year's Democrat National Convention, with none of it being televised on the major networks, we will recap for you the top 10 candid moments of those involved.


Keynote speaker Barack Obama demonstrates to the crowd of enthusiastic democrats how the, "Hoes back in Chi-town be keepin' it real."


"So Michael, you're saying it's legal for two men to get married in Massachusetts? What about a reverend and his 13 year old mistress?� No?� Damn"


While waiting for his turn to speak, Senator Edward "Ted" Kennedy attempts to point out the pink pokey-dotted elephant flying around the Fleet Center to nearby democrats.


On his way to the podium, Senator Kennedy stops to waive, "hello," to the pink elephant he affectionately named Sparky.


When the crowd seemed to be getting upset with Senator Kennedy's insistence on stopping his speech to talk to the flying pink elephant, he explained he had only had four shots of grain alcohol in the last hour, well below his normal threshold.


"Hey kid, pull my finger."


"Tomo arigato, Mr. Roboto... err, I mean those stem cell things are good.� Yeah, yeah that's it."


"God Bless Portugal!� Err, I mean America.� Yeah, yeah that's it."


"Sir, your wife is currently addressing the delegates."� "Can't you see I am fucking reading Doonesbury! I'll be damned if I watch that heartless bitch speak, she won't even get rid of her dead republican husband's last name for mine and I'm a Kennedy damn it.� Err I mean a Kerry.� Yeah, yeah that's it."


"Look!� Ted is over there with his pants down humping that pink chiffon pillow again!"

**Bonus Moment**

"Mmmmmm doughnuts!"

Sir Awesome makes his way to the leader board with his correct answer to last entry�s question, all three lines form the shadows cast by the letter �E�. 25 points are headed his way.

In addition to our winner, Juddhole is awarded 5 points for trying to cheat. Who said cheaters never prosper?

Question number 9 sure is fine:

How many black dots are contained in the following image:

Have fun,


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