
jes - 2004-11-09 18:52:58
I assume you don't mean to suggest that we owe all the problems in this country to the dirty democratic party...or that the republican party can wash their hands of some of the very problems you bring up...
hotcarl - 2004-11-10 10:34:12
LOL, most certainly not! Republicans have been co-responsible for free trade. They have been lax in enforcing corporation to act with moral respect for the American public, both in terms of labor practices and enviornmental standards. Repbulicans have been the initiators of gay marriage bans in almost half the country.

I am in know way saying Republicans are flat out great. But the difference between Republicans and Democrats is republicans make no attempts to hide their intents. They say what they stand for and they go after it. Democrats practice Machiavellian techniques and say and do anything to gain power. I don't advocate people vote Republican or against Democrats. I think people should vote for their own moral and personal feelins and opinions. Following the democratic party line is fallacy if your goals are that of the poor and minorities, flat out, they say they are the to help you but they aren't. The proper support for these people was/is people like Ralph Nader. He's an honorable guy who tells you where he stands and what he stands for and he fights for it.
jes - 2004-11-11 12:16:24
: ) ok then. A stance I can sign on with.

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