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Within the Margin of Error - The Elitist Democrat

Within the Margin of Error:
The Elitist Democrat

Function: noun
1: the selectivity of the elite; especially : SNOBBERY

For decades Democrats have warned the poor worker to fear the rich, elitist, white man.  They pose as the champions of the poor and "less equal" all the while pushing a liberal cultural agenda on an otherwise unsuspecting contingent.  The political correctness of the left has led to the removal of Christmas pageants and parties in schools,  a halt to the reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, the demonization of responsibility, and the embracing of a subculture of the morally deprived.

Finding unwavering support among the workers' unions of America, the Democrats have betrayed the values of those they vow to fight for.  Under the guise of protecting the American worker, globalist Democrats have supported free trade agreements that they hope will have the long-term affect of increasing the third-world's middle class by diverting the portion of the American economy once dominated by American laborers and farmers to their third-world counterparts.

Democrats have nurtured misconceptions in the African-American and other minority communities that the government and its policies are controlled by the the oppressive and the elite and as second-class citizens they should expect the government to take care of them, to provide them jobs, healthcare, and education.  Meanwhile, the Democrats oppose legislative initiatives that are designed to help the less fortunate move from schools that are failing to educate them to ones that can.  They continue to embrace the out dated crutch of affirmative action, yet fail to address the breakdown of the family structure in those communities that has led to a perpetual cycle of poverty.

Despite the blatant manipulations of America's poor and less fortunate, Democrats insist they are more intelligent then their Republican adversaries and know what values best reflect the heart beat of America.  Self proclaimed champions of liberty and equal rights, the Democrats have no real achievements to show for it.  They claim to have furthered civil-rights, yet it was Republican Abraham Lincoln who freed the slaves.  They claim to have been the originator of women's suffrage, yet it was Republican governors and states that first granted the rights of women to vote and along with women's groups put pressure on President Wilson to extend those rights to a national level.  Only after years of pressure and a world war did he finally concede that right.

The hypocrisy of the Democrats lambastes the current administration for rising gas prices, yet denies them the ability to explore and secure alternative sources of fuel here in the U.S.  Former Vice President Al Gore wrote, "Higher taxes on fossil fuels. . . is one of the logical first steps in changing our policies in a manner consistent with a more responsible approach to the environment."  Apparently, its a good idea to have higher gasoline prices as long as a Democrat is the one doing it.

As Democrats claim to be for the poor and less fortunate their actions speak louder.  They have supported legislative initiatives that have increased the costs of living on the poor and middle class, they have supported legislation to open foreign labor markets to U.S. companies, they have embraced a cultural movement that has resulted in the breakdown of the American family and the American value system.  One can only hope that the results of this election will sink in over the next couple of years and the Democrats will actually begin acting on those ideals they claim to champion.

Have fun,

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