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The Myth of Two Americas - Election Reactions

I have been mum on the election results because I did not want to make Democrats feel worse than they already do.  I had hoped that they would realize the majority of America does not agree with their "say and do anything" mentality and woul work to come together for the betterment of our great country.  Unfortunately, they haven't come to this realization and instead have become even more arrogant and patronizing.

"The reason the Democrats have lost five of the last seven presidential elections is simple... the decision of the right wing to cultivate and exploit ignorance in the citizenry," writes Jane Smiley of in her article titled, The unteachable ignorance of the red states.   I have been hearing a lot from other democratic pundits about the ignorant red states and the evangelical red states that came out in force for their candidate.  The problem is the myth of the red and blue states is just that, a myth. 

A close examination of how each county voted in the election of 2004 and 2000 shows just where the "red and blue" votes are really coming from, they come from all over this great land and not from any particular states.



(click to enlarge)

If you breakdown the locations of the "Red" and "Blue" counties you will see the Red counties are located in rural AND suburban counties, while Blue counties are located in heavily urban areas and counties where major universities are located. 

Democrat pundits insist Republicans and their supporters are stupid.  This year's exit polling shows just how education effected voting.  The polls show that people who have not graduated high school voted primarily for Kerry, but those who have earned a high school diploma, had some college, or have graduated college voted primarily for Bush.  Post graduate degree holders broke for Kerry by a slim margin.  Clearly, the uneducated do not favor republicans, they favor democrats and vice versa, the educated favor Republicans.

Where does this leave us?  How do we explain why these urban counties seem to go for democrats while all other counties across the country go for republicans.  Lets look at the demographics of urban areas and how they equate to exit polling.  Data from the 2000 census shows that these urban counties are primarily black.  Exit polls show that blacks voted 88% to 11% for Kerry.  No greater gap in support from any group of race, economic, or educational background can be found in exit polling data.  These statistics imply that democrats have managed to create a voting block in the black American community that will vote as they are told and not on their own personal values.

How can I say they don't hold the same values as democrats?  Further polling shows that the overwhelming majority of black Americans attend church on a regular basis and the majority of blacks voted for the gay marriage bans in the 11 states where the issue was on the ballots.  These stats show black Americans hold the same moral values as white Americans and hispanics and so on.  When they realize their blind support for democrats isn't helping them further their policy goals, as evidenced by Clinton's failure to further any of their agendas and democrats fleeting power, they will break away and provide a more balanced support for their personal ideals as is typically the case with other races.

You might be wondering what Michael Moore had to say right after the election.  In his despair he responded by dishonoring the men he served and died honorably in Iraq by posting their names and a collage of their portraits to form the image of George W. Bush. 

Later, after cooling off a bit, Michael Moore wrote on his website, "There are nearly 300 million Americans -- 200 million of them of voting age. We only lost by three and a half million! That's not a landslide -- it means we're almost there."  But Michael Moore, in the 2000 presidential election the democrat Al Gore won the popular vote by 500 thousand votes.  That means you lost 4 million votes in 4 years.  You lost 4 seats on the senate, 3 seats in the House, and Republicans maintained their majority in Governorships.  You are going backwards, not forwards.

He went on to say, "What IS news is that so many people have shifted toward a Massachusetts liberal."  Exit Polls show that 70% of the people voting against their opponent voted for Kerry, while those voting for their candidate vote 59% to 40% in favor of Bush.  Michael Moore, they didn't vote FOR a Massachusetts liberal, they voted AGAINST George W. Bush.

In a time when we should be coming together and Republicans are making every effort to do so, the Democrats continue to try and divide the nation.  Hopefully, sooner rather than later they will realize the American people do not find their antics appealing and if they wish to further their ideals at all they will realize they need to embrace and compromise with the ideals of mainstream Americans.

Have fun,



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