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The Faces Behind The Votes

Ask any successful politician what the key to victory was in their election and they will undoubtedly tell you support from various political groups helped them the most. In the Presidential Election of 2004 we've heard from many groups such as The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth,, and a whole host of other groups. But there are some groups you may have not have heard of, the groups that don't have the financial backing to run expensive television commercials and instead make their impact felt through grass roots get-out-the-vote campaigns. Today we are going to spotlight two of these groups, the AAW which has been out stumping for President Bush in many swing states across the Midwest and the UTK which has been essential in helping the Kerry-Edwards campaign maintain its strong polling among Arab-Americans.

The Amish-Americans for Bush (AAW) was founded in early 2001 after co-founders, then ages 19 and 20 respectively, Ishmael Amos and Mose Fisher experienced modern society for the first time when they went to cast their first vote in a U.S. election. "I was beside myself," Mose told us. "People were in the streets chanting for people to vote for Gore and when they found out we were voting for George W. Bush they threw rocks at us and called us names that I dare not repeat."

After hearing of the chaos in Florida the two came up with a plan to unite Amish voters through out the country. "Really it was all Amos's idea," Mose explained. "He asked how is it that they can't pull off a simple vote when they have all the technologies of the modern world. I had to agree and the rest is history."

"It was easy for us to get the other Amish in our town to join, but without the ability to use television to get our message we were at a distinct disadvantage. That's when I came up with the idea of the one million Amish march." Amos continued, "We got a few of the Amish in our town to agree to start walking with us and over the next 3 and half years we walked around the entire country recruiting other Amish to join and march along side us. About six months in we had enough members that we were able to split up into seperate groups and go in different directions."

As the seperate groups of the AAW arrived in Ohio today, they were 56 thousand strong, nearly 99.9% off all adult Amish in the entire country. Spokesmen for the Kerry-Edwards campaign said they never knew they were polling so poor in the Amish block of voters until we asked them to comment on our story, although they urged us to remember the vast amount of new Amish voters expected to cast ballots for the first time and historically those new voters have voted 4-1 for the democrats.

On the other side of the isle democrats have discovered profound support among Arab-Americans. Spokesmen for the Kerry-Edwards campaign gives all the credit to Mohammad al Zahrki, founder of United Terrorist for Kerry (UTK). "For months now American soldiers have been needlessly killing our fellow terrorists. We are peaceful terrorists and Bush has no right to send his troops to kill us. Our terrorist brothers are only negotiating the timely removal of U.S. troops from our Muslim lands. For him to make war on us is nothing more than a crime against humanity," Mohammad told reporters at a Kerry-Edwards rally in South Florida as hundreds of democratic supporters cheered, "Hey Ho, Bush gotta go, Hey Hi, Kerry's our guy, Ho He, Iraq is about oil and Halliburton."

When asked how the Kerry-Edwards campaign can be proud of support from terrorists when American lives are being lost Kerry spokesmen said, "Look the terrorists are making news. Every time they kill an American soldier or behead a hostage it is bad news for Bush, and bad news for Bush is good news for us. And so to the terrorists we say 'bring it on!'"

Now that you have seen two of the less publicized political action groups, when you go vote on Tuesday we hope you will remember the countless faces that have worked tirelessly over the last four years to make this election the most controversial in history. Above all, we just hope you will go vote.

Have fun,

P.S. - Important reads if you value freedom and fairness in U.S. elections:

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