Behold the Freshness:

Verizon CTO weighs in on Access Fees
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The Undocumented Blogger
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Within the Margin of Error - Theocratic America

Within the Margin of Error:
Theocratic America

Leading Democrats like Jane Smiley, Michael Moore, Al Franken, and Bill Maher (the in denial Democrat) under their new moniker of "progressives" would have you believe a new reign of oppression is about to be unleashed on the pseudo intellectuals who sought to protect us from our own backward beliefs in ancient texts and laws that have no place in a modern society.� If you are part of the unintelligent electorate that has seen to re-electing the fire and brimstone, born-again President George W. Bush, you yourself are an evangelical bible thumper bent on theocratic rule.� These Democrats speak of mass exodus to Canada as they seek safety from the country they have labeled Jesusland.

What these "progressive" fail to comprehend is the moral code that binds the people of this great nation.� Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from oppression are all rights and values we ALL hold dear.� The God-fearing members of the religious right do not seek to force the children of the atheists (of which I am one) to pray in school or recite the Pledge of Allegiance, they merely seek to allow their children the freedom to do so.� They do not seek to exchange freedoms that are constitutionally protected with religious law.� Its is not them that has resorted to totalitarian tactics to forward their agendas.

It was the leftist Massachusetts Supreme Court that sought to circumvent the will of the people and instill their values on the rest of the country.� Inspired by that decision, Mayor Gavin Newsom of San Francisco illegally began handing out marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples in direct violation of California law.� Recognizing that unelected liberal members of the judiciary were making their own laws despite the will of the people the religious right began initiatives to put the issue to a vote and succeeded in doing so in more than 11 states.� In all states, including the "blue" state Oregon, the measures passed overwhelmingly.� The religious members of our society have not tried to force their wills or beliefs on anyone, they put their values to the American public and let them decide.

These actions beg the question of which side is really acting in a manner that is destructive to our democracy.� But as you ask Democrats this question they will inevitably respond with accusations of hate that was directed towards the gays which led the religious zealots to the polls, neglecting the single biggest source of hate, that in which they organized their entire campaign around, their hatred of George W. Bush.

Throughout the entire election cycle the pundits of the left screamed about the divisive politics of fear coming from the right, yet, to paraphrase Jonah Goldberg, none has taken the time to explain how their insistence that the draft will be reinstated, that blacks are being systematically disenfranchised, and that the paralyzed won't be able to walk again if Bush is reelected constitutes the sort of happy go lucky,�inclusive politics of hope they claim to follow.

Have fun,

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