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The Undocumented Blogger
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Has the loss of nearly 3000 lives taught us nothing?

Imagine this, you and your family are returning from your summer vacation. Preparing to board your flight home, you take note of a group of five or six Middle Eastern men waiting to board the same plane. As you board the plane, you notice that the Middle Eastern men follow and take up various seats throughout the plane, none sitting together. As you watch other passengers board the plane and make their way to their seats, you notice another five or six Middle Eastern men bored separately and again take seats throughout the plane. Taking a cautious note, you continue to prepare yourself and your family for the 4 hour flight ahead.

A few minutes into the flight things seem to be going fine, that�s when it starts. A Middle Eastern man gets up from his seat, rifles through his luggage, and proceeds toward the restroom at the front of the plane. He�s carrying a small bag. As he returns, you notice the bag he was carrying has decreased in size significantly. He throws a nonchalant nod towards a fellow Middle Eastern passenger who gets up from his seat, also carrying something, and makes his way towards the same restroom. This pattern continues with several more of the Middle Eastern passengers getting up and entering the restroom. You are starting to get worried and you can feel the tension in the atmosphere growing.

Fast forward through a few hours of uneasiness and the captain breaks the silence by announcing your flight has arrived at its destination and is about to land. He asks everyone to fasten their seatbelts in preparation for the approach. Suddenly several of the Middle Eastern men stand up and begin filing into the isle. Half of the group moves to the front of the plane and get in line for the restroom, the remaining do the same at the rear. The first man in the group at the front of the plane enters the restroom while the rest form a line, two of the men wait in the isle, blocking the emergency exit. You�re really starting to get scared. You take note of the female passenger behind you, she is softly sobbing in her husbands shoulder. Another couple, a few rows up, is praying silently. No one is taking action; instead they wait in dreaded anticipation.

Finally after a few tense moments, the man emerges from the restroom. As he walks back towards his seat he glances towards another Middle Eastern man who is still sitting in his seat and mouths the word �no�.

It�s a bit later and you have landed. You make your way hastily up the tarmac and into the terminal. To your surprise, you are greeted by a dozen or so men wearing dark black suits and several police officers; they rush past you on their way to the plane.

For one woman and several scared passengers, they didn�t have to imagine the events depicted above. They actually occurred on June 29, 2004 on Northwest Airlines flight #327 from Detroit, MI to New York, NY. You can and should read the account of her experience in her own words here along with what she discovered during her investigation of the events that followed.

After you have read the above linked article, I want you to ask yourself one question, �Is the fear she felt and the tension perceived by her and other passengers merely a figment of their unconsciously racist minds or was something deserving of that feeling actually occurring?�

If you made it through the some what lengthy article, you were probably shocked to find out that it is illegal for airlines to screen more than two Middle Eastern passengers on any single flight. Worse, a list of rights for disabled travelers, posted for all to see on the TSA website, shows that airline security are not allowed to have you remove any orthopedic boots for screening, leaving a prime opportunity to smuggle contraband onto an airliner.

All 14 Middle Eastern passengers on flight #327 were Syrian and traveling on one-way tickets to New York, yet none had adjoining seats, the exact same M.O. of the terrorists responsible for 9/11. They were not screened properly for fear of the repercussions of racial profiling. That�s right, Racial Profiling! The D.O.T. fined American and United Airlines, the same airlines that lost many of their own crew and customers on 9/11, over $1 million dollars each for violations of the previously mentioned two Middle Eastern screening quota.

When the next 9/11-type commission is tasked with the purpose of finding a cause for the next big terror attack, are they going to site Political Correctness as the single greatest cause? It is more important than ever that we as Americans, who enjoy our freedoms, make every effort to insure extreme liberal/socialist views never interfere with our safety. The racial profiling of possible terrorists is not only understandable, it is 100% necessary if we ever hope to prevent another terrorist attack on our soil the scale of 9/11.

A great big, Arsenio-style �WHOOF-WHOOF-WHOOF!� goes out to JoeCartoon for correctly identifying the hidden message of �Foreign Policy� contained in the previous entries question. 54 points are headed your way, the exact number of countries that are members of the Coalition of the Willing involved in the Iraq war, which is greater than the 38 that were involved in the 1991 Gulf War.

The great big hotcarl blog contest Leader Board, read it silly pants!

Lucky question number 7:

What historically significant event occurred at a secret meeting on November 1971, in Kansas City and who was reportedly involved that is denying such involvement due to their current situation?

Have fun,


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