Behold the Freshness:

Verizon CTO weighs in on Access Fees
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At&t/SBC, Verizon, BellSouth owe you $2000
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The Undocumented Blogger
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For Ande

Ande Parks
Ande Parks, Comic book inker and writer.

Q: Why is there a picture of Ande Parks on your blog?

A: I am not quite sure. Perhaps gremlins put it there.

Q: Who is Ande Parks?

A: Aside from being a friend of the hotcarl, Ande Parks is an acclaimed comic book inker and writer. Frequently collaborating with Phil Hester, Parks has also worked with such talents as Kevin Smith, Brad Meltzer, Judd Winick, Devin Grayson, and much, much more.

Q: You said Ande Parks is a writer, too? I am only familiar with his tracing.

A: That's right, aside from having inked for nearly every major comic book publisher and characters such as Green Arrow, Wonder Woman, Superman, Daredevil, and Spider-Man, Ande Parks is also a writer. You can partake of his writing talents in his two graphic novels Union Station and Capote in Kansas.

Q: Wow, I had no idea he was so talented. What else has Ande Parks done that I might not be too familiar with?

A: I'm glad you asked. Ande Parks first foray into writing began when he created Uncle Slam & Fire Dog, a super hero satire which was published by Mike Manley's Action Planet Comics.

Q: That's awesome! I want to know more about Ande Parks so that I can send him money and trinkets to earn his affections. Where can I go to get this information so that I am not forced to stalk him like I did Frank Miller?

A: is as good a place as any too start, so I would drop by there. You can also pick up copies of his graphic novels and current project, Nightwing, at your local comic shop. If you can't find them in stock, be sure to harass the comic book guy until he restocks so that you may spend your hard earned cash on them.

Q: This is all very interesting, but I am confused as to why this blog entry is sounding more like an infomercial than your normal incoherent babble.

A: I am not really sure that is even a question, but I will go ahead and address your concerns just the same. A few days ago Ande approached me with concerns that the above picture from his website was not coming up in Google image searches for his name and wanted some tips on making that happen. So I opened the vault of knowledge that is my brain and bequeathed upon him all that is, was, and ever will be. After doing that, I said he should try some ALT tags in his image and to try and get some more people to link to the image, as Google likes that. So that is what I am doing here. All this other filler is just to give Google lots of search terms to find and associate with the picture so if you read all this entry you are a sad strange little person (and no, I did not just call you a midgit).

Have fun,


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