Behold the Freshness:

Verizon CTO weighs in on Access Fees
- 2006-03-31

Kyle Smith's Love Monkey
- 2006-03-07

Franchise Agreement Controversy
- 2006-02-21

The End of Free Lunch?
- 2006-02-07

At&t/SBC, Verizon, BellSouth owe you $2000
- 2006-02-01

The Undocumented Blogger
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Fast Food

First, congrats to this guy for being the first fat bastard to get arrested for just being fat.� I'm trying to keep an open mind about the whole situation.� One hand, they are saving him from becoming the male version of the couch lady, but on the other hand if he wants to gorge himself on shrimp cereal and cottage cheese poppers, I say let him.

Speaking of eating, UncleBob was contemplating the act of fasting for religious purposes in one of his daily rants and that got me to thinking.� Why do people fast?� Is it because they think by starving themselves they some how develop a closer relationship with God?� Is it because they believed they are blessed and by starving themselves they somehow get an idea for how the truly destitute live?�

I don't get it.� If you think God gives a shit if you starve yourself, then you are a bigger fool than I thought.� There are plenty of people starving right now and God aint doing shit to help 'em out.� What makes your pompous ass so special?

If you are going to fast, at least do it for reasons I understand like societal pressures.

The more I look at these pictures, the more I think I am becoming a big fan of the whole Nazi death camp look they have going on.�

Have fun,

P.S. - About the whole 'j' thing. It doesn't matter, what the whole 'j' thing's about! Hotcarl, Out!

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