Behold the Freshness:

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The Undocumented Blogger
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Hailstones the size of cricket balls�

Hailstones the size of cricket balls? Man, those must be small! Oh, not the insects, the baseball-like sport played in the U.K. Ah- that makes more sense. I was going to say, �I don�t think I have ever even seen a scrot on a cricket, much less its balls.� Kind of weird though, it seems sporting equipment has become the universal measuring unit for hailstones: golf ball sized, tennis ball sized, softball sized, cricket ball sized, etc� I suppose that�s a good thing, we won�t have to worry about the inches to kg conversions.

Why all the infatuation with hailstones, you ask? The upcoming apocalypse, I say. Yes, it would appear the apocalypse has chosen to manifest itself right here in the Kansas City area or at least that�s what the local meteorologists that like to hear themselves speak would have us believe every evening it rains harder than a sprinkle.

Monday�s storm was like any other, it was raining, lightening, and thundering. This brought out the people who haven�t lived here long enough to know that �The Wizard of Oz� would have made more sense if set in Oklahoma than in Kansas. I have lived in the area my entire existence and I can tell you from personal experience, WE DON�T HAVE TORNADOS. Well, not like the ones on �Twister� anyway. We have our occasional clouds swirling, but it is extremely rare anything ever touches the ground and when it does a corn field is left with a pock mark not nearly as impressive as your typical alien crafted crop circle. In the last 20 years we�ve had maybe 3 tornados that caused damage and none that killed anybody. How the people of this city became so terrified of tornados is completely beyond me.

Weather idiots; quit sounding the tornado alarms in areas hundreds of miles away from where a real tornado touched down! All you have done is fueled my desire to run outside to see if I can see one, since in my 28 years on earth I never have. And now if a real tornado ever comes, I will be the one jackass who dies because I was outside looking for the mythical tornados you have tried to fool me into believing exist for these past many years.

Sorry, I forgot about the hailstones. I found that cricket reference on an article about the worst death toll from hail in India in 1888 while researching what the largest a hailstone could physically get. Apparently in the upcoming, earth destroying flick, �The Day After Tomorrow� bowling ball size hailstones comes crashing down.

BTW, 246 people died in the hail storm in India. Yet, another useless fact brought to you by hotcarl.

Until next time kids,


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