Behold the Freshness:

Verizon CTO weighs in on Access Fees
- 2006-03-31

Kyle Smith's Love Monkey
- 2006-03-07

Franchise Agreement Controversy
- 2006-02-21

The End of Free Lunch?
- 2006-02-07

At&t/SBC, Verizon, BellSouth owe you $2000
- 2006-02-01

The Undocumented Blogger
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The wonders of indoor plumbing!

If you're like me, your only experience without indoor plumbing consists of camping and outdoor music concerts. So imagine my surprise when I was walking down that alley again, when this completely random thought jumped into my mind, "I wonder what it was like when office buildings had no indoor plumbing?"

What was it like? Were there executive out houses? Were people just as happy to get the keys to the executive out house as they are now? I've been watching that show about the old west on HBO, "Deadwood." On that show one of the main characters was just pissing in the corner of his office. I can see that being as it was. If I worked on the fourth floor and had to take a shite, it seems to me a waste of time to walk all the way down stairs and outside when you can just take squat in the corner.

I think we should rethink this whole plumbing thing from the ground up. If everyone crapped in the corner, I could save some money on cologne.

Until next time kids,


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