Behold the Freshness:

Verizon CTO weighs in on Access Fees
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Kyle Smith's Love Monkey
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Franchise Agreement Controversy
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The End of Free Lunch?
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At&t/SBC, Verizon, BellSouth owe you $2000
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The Undocumented Blogger
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Propaganda in all of its juiciest forms�

I sat down this morning to write this entry about the latest wave of propaganda films being put out by the left such as �Fahrenheit 911� and �The Day After Tomorrow.� Instead I have decided I just don�t give a shite.

Who cares if some idgits with more cheese than brains want to waste their cheddar on trying to make the masses believe the Afghanistan war was not about terror, but was in fact about building an oil pipeline or that global warming is going to completely reverse the economic stability of the earth and launch us into an ice age in a matter of 2 days? Who cares that the vast majority of environmental scientists believe global warming is a myth? Who cares that the average temperature in the U.S. has risen a mighty one degree in the last 100 years of recorded temperatures? Who cares that hurricanes have actually become less powerful in the last 100 years? Who cares that there are more forests and trees now than anytime in the last 100 years? Who cares? Barbara Streisand probably cares, but not me. I am done caring about shite the elitist upper class feels is more important than saving starving children in the U.S. or one of a thousand other issues that actually impact our daily lives.

One of these days we are going to have to take back this country from those that now control it, those that continue to pass laws to separate us into greater economic classes, those who try to confuse the masses by making things like abortion and healthcare bigger issues than they actually are.

Fact: All individuals are equal under the law in the U.S.

Fact: Racism is someone�s personal opinion.

Though you have the right to live, be free, speak, and practice religions of your choice, so does the racist have the right to hate you, me, or uncle bob. You do not have the right to not be offended. We all get offended, we all will win and lose in our lifetime, we all must deal with it or find a way to get even.

Instead of worrying about all the crap that really has nothing to do with ourselves, we should be worrying about the crap that does, for instance if you are one of these minorities and victims of racism, why don�t you look at what the cause of those feelings are for the haters out there. Is it really the color of your skin? No, more than likely it is where you come from, the way you speak, the way you act. There is a divide in our country, and that divide is not racial, it is an economic divide.

Why is it black Americans, I won�t say African Americans because you are American not African, why is it black Americans will go along with the liberal views and vote down things like school vouchers and vote for things like increased welfare. The quickest way out of economic poverty is not through getting free money from the government, it�s through education.

We have thrown money at the school system for years and it has done nothing in the urban school environments. In fact Washington D.C. schools get more money per student than any other public school in the nation, yet they test one of the worst. You can�t just throw money at a problem. We need to find ways to educate the youth, the way to do that is to get them into schools that can provide a safe, normal, and effective learning environment. To all you parents, do you not think it is a good thing to have the ability to send your kids to another school, if the school he or she is supposed to attend has a horrendous history of violence and high failure rates?

Education is the key to getting better jobs, to moving out of the inner city, to making the future brighter for yourself and your children. So stop feeling sorry for yourself because Joe down the block doesn�t like you because you are gay or a Mexican or an Arab or a Jew or a Catholic or a Baptist or a Muslim or black or short or tall or fat or skinny, etc� You can not make everyone like you, not everyone has to tolerate you. All we have to do is be able to treat each other with respect. The same rules apply to you as me and to me as you. I will leave you alone if you leave me alone and vice versa.

I am not racist, nor a bigot, nor an anti-semite, nor any other label that can be thrown at me for the purpose of classifying my belief system. I am an American. I was born in America, America is where I call home, America is where my children were born and were they call home. My ancestors were born in other countries. It�s nice to know where I came from, but it does not define who I am or who I will be. I am an American! I love all Americans. I am proud to be an American.

If you are so entwined in classifying yourself in one of the various hyphenated categories that exist today, then perhaps you would be more comfortable back in the original place your hyphen came from. For hundreds of years people came to America for a new start, when they did so they cast off their past, they took on a new language, new customs, new cultures and absorbed them all into their own, that is America! When did we decide to fix what wasn�t broken and reverse hundreds of years of success? We are not hyphenates, we are Americans! The sooner we start seeing each other that way, the sooner we can all take part in the American dream!

Now that I said all that, I would like it to be known there is no room in this country for Canadians and I blame you for all of my misfortunes. Damn you, Canadians, damn you!

Until next time kids,


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