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The Undocumented Blogger
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I actually voted for John Kerry before I voted against him�

John Kerry publicly told a group of supporters in criticism of how President Bush handled the 7 minutes after learning of the World Trade Center disaster, "Had I been reading to children and had my top aide whispered in my ear, 'America is under attack,' I would have told those kids very politely and nicely that the president of the United States had something that he needed to attend to -- and I would have attended to it."

According to the 911 Report, The second plane, United 175, hit WTC building #2 (South Tower) at 9:03:11.

The plane that hit the Pentagon, American 77, crashed into the Pentagon at 9:37:46.

The elapsed time is 34 minutes and 35 seconds.

During that period, Kerry (in his own words), "...And as I came in [to a meeting in Sen. Daschle's office], Barbara Boxer and Harry Reid were standing there, and we watched the second plane come in to the building. And we shortly thereafter sat down at the table and then we just realized nobody could think, and then boom, right behind us, we saw the cloud of explosion at the Pentagon..."

The Audio of the interview with Larry King can be found here.

While John Kerry would have us believe he is a decorated Vietnam vet, capable of taking action in a moments notice, we are beginning to see more and more evidence to the contrary. I know many of you get the impression that I am a stark Bush supporter. I can assure you I am not. I do believe in many Republican values, but when those values interfere with the values set fourth in our constitution, I am not afraid to stand up and say that�s not right.

Although I had high hopes for Bush after the 2000 election, he has since proven he is less than deserving. I agree that the Iraq war was probably the correct course of action with all the security information we were gathering and with what we were being given by the U.K., Germany, Russia, and Israel about Saddam developing nuclear weapons and planning terrorist attacks both in and out of the U.S. Holding out for support from France, who has never given the U.S. its support, would have been futile. That being said, issues like the Haifa pipeline, the 1975 Memorandum of Understanding, and the project for the New American Century have to make you wonder what the real motives behind our Middle East policies are. Those motives were never more evident when President Bush spoke out against actions the Israel military was taking in the West Bank in late 2001. Staunch republican supporters like Rush Limbaugh distanced themselves immediately from the President. A few days later, the President�s opinions of the confrontations in the Gaza Strip had taken a complete 180 degree turn. Then you throw in the Bush�s policies on free trade, off shoring, importing prescription drugs from Canada, and immigration and we are further distanced from our beliefs.

I was fully ready to support the democrat this election. I wanted someone to stand up for what I think is right. Things like �fair� trade, discouraging offshoring, having the same trade policies we have on medicine that we do on employment (currently companies can replace you with a $10 a week employee but you can�t replace your heart medicine with the $10 per bottle version being sold in Canada because the FDA thinks it wouldn�t be �safe�, never mind that it is the exact same medicine and is even manufactured in the U.S. by the same drug companies) and I would like to see an immigration policy based on protecting the U.S. and upholding the laws currently on the books, deporting any and all who came here illegally. I want the world to look at America as an example of what you could be. You can come to this country legally, be anything you want to be, and compete in the American dream. Instead both parties choose to pander to corporate lobbies, to minority voting blocks, and to foreign interests above our own.

Although we have many different views, I felt Howard Dean was someone who could exact change. Unfortunately, his campaign was torpedoed in Iowa by his on party when it was evident he was going to be the front runner. Ralph Nader would be a good choice, we see eye-to-eye on many issues, but again democrats are doing whatever they can to thwart any attempts to get him on the ballet.

So who are we left with? It�s now a choice between two evils. We have one guy who has made several policy decisions in the last four years I don�t agree with and one guy who has a scary voting record in the senate for the past 20 years and who chooses to make himself out to be something he is not and never was.

John F. Kerry was born wealthy. He resides in Massachusetts and has been a long time friend of the Kennedy�s. When he was making his way through collage in the early 60�s he could be found hobnobbing with John F. Kennedy, then president of the United States. It was clear from this relationship he drew his interest in politics and was given a blue print for success. JFK was the captain of PT 109, a similar boat with similar purposes to the swift boats Kerry commanded in Vietnam. Kerry served only 4 months of his 12 month tour of duty. He came to Vietnam with an agenda, to emulate John Kennedy as much as possible. He had the foresight to purchase a super 8mm video camera and record reenactments of his missions for later political purposes. He garnered three purple hearts, one bronze star, and a silver star in those four short months. After leaving Vietnam, he began to make the political circuit as a staunch anti-war vet. He publicly claimed U.S. soldiers were committing atrocities in Vietnam, endangering the lives of already captive POWs. He aligned himself with the VVAW a group of Vietnam vets against the war in Vietnam who were later revealed to have plotted the assassination of members of congress and whose own founder had lied about actually serving in the military.

JFK, I mean John F. Kerry, was given the �How to be President for Dummies� book and he followed it to a �T�. Now he is attempting to take the final step in his plan, he�s trying to become the President. Because his pollsters are showing that people are more concerned with their safety and protecting this country than any other issue and that is the one issue Bush is leading him in, they chose to use his Vietnam record as proof he can handle the current problems facing us. As he has chosen this route, it has led to many people who knew Kerry to take sides. Most of the men he commanded in Vietnam have chosen to support Kerry. Most of them men who served with Kerry on other swift boats in his 3 boat squadron and other swift boat commanders have chosen to not support him and in fact have gone so far as to try and discredit his military record. Whether you choose to believe the medical examiner who examined Kerry for his first purple heart, the Admiral he served under, the Captain who nominated Kerry for the Bronze Star and later regretted it, or any of the other hundreds of soldiers who claim Kerry is not telling the truth about his record in Vietnam, you can�t set aside what the man stands for and the mounting evidence against him showing that he can not tell the truth. Instead of defending his record, democrats have chosen to call these vets bigots and liars. Democrats have even hired teams of lawyers to sue TV stations that may run ads paid for by the group of veterans attempting to exercise their first amendment rights.

Was Kerry in Cambodia fighting illegally as he claimed on the floor of the Senate in 1986 or was he in a town called Sa Dec at that time as he claimed in his biography, �Tour of Duty?� Was Kerry really wounded on those swift boats, or did he get rice lodged in his fanny after blowing up the food supply of innocent villagers? Did Kerry save his fellow soldiers by heroically charging the beach and shooting a VC who was about to blow them all up or did he shoot an unarmed teenage boy in a loon cloth in the back while he was fleeing? Did Kerry throw the medals he received in Vietnam into a river in protest of the war or did he just fake it and throw only the ribbons in? Did John Kerry vote for the war in Iraq or did he vote against it? Does John Kerry support free trade or is he against it? Does John Kerry believe that the only way the U.S. is to be justified in foreign policy is if France agrees or does he think the U.S. should be able to make its foreign policies in its best interests and that of our real allies, like the 54 countries in the coalition of the willing, not the two that sat out?

Regardless of all the flip flops John Kerry has been surrounded with, the one thing he can�t hide is his voting record. He has voted along the same lines as Ted Kennedy and has even voted more liberally then him on some issues. Would you want Ted Kennedy to be our President? No, then why would you want his clone?

This election seems to be boiling down to one thing and that�s not who would make the best president. It seems the world has already decided Kerry is wishy-washy and would not make a very good President, but some are willing to risk four years of him in order to accomplish their goals of removing President Bush from power because they have some misconception that he and the Republicans stole the 2000 presidential election even though the truth actually shows the opposite. It disgusts me that liberals would be so willing to harm this country and its people by electing someone who is unfit for command just to try and justify their spin. You have blatantly false and misleading allegations being made by Michael Moore in a �documentary�, a �fiction� novel where two people discuss assassinating President Bush, PACs like running illegal anti-Bush ads during periods barred by the McCain-Feingold Election Reform Act, musicians like the Dixie Chicks and Bruce Springsteen, who are both incapable of independent thought, running a series of anti-Bush fund raising concerts, the list goes on and on. So what I am voting for this election is not Bush or Kerry, I will be voting against the actions taken by the Democrats to try and bully their way into the White House. If they don�t lose this time around, they will continue these antics every year. I can only hope that mainstream Americans stand up for their beliefs and vote the way they think is truly right and not base their vote on the rhetoric of either side.

Although many of you made valid attempts at answering yesterday�s question, the correct response was not given, but can be found above. Wendyloo is going to get 50 points for her answer which illustrates Kerry�s inability to stick to one story.

The great big hotcarl blog contest Leader Board.

My head hurts from writing that diatribe, so question 16 is, �what is written all over it?�

Have fun,


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