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The Undocumented Blogger
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Will the other shoe drop? The Hypocrisy of the Left pt 2.

In July 2001, Bill Press wrote, �The more they dig, the more evidence there is that Bush did not win Florida, and therefore the presidency, fair and square. Indeed, he may not have won at all. He is our legitimate 43rd president, but it looks more and more that he arrived there illegitimately.�

�CNN, the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune and other major publications are conducting a recount of every ballot cast in Florida, including both undervotes and overvotes. That survey will not be completed till late this summer. But a more limited study by the Times alone of all overseas absentee ballots cast raises serious ethical questions about the Bush campaign and, by extension, the Bush presidency.�

Let�s just take a look at the headlines from several major notoriously liberal media sources reporting on the final findings of these studies. No doubt these articles could not have been found on Page 1:

�Vote Review: Bush Would Have Won Fla.� - Associated Press, as published in The New York Times
�Study of Disputed Florida Ballots Finds Justices Did
Not Cast the Deciding Vote� - The New York Times
�Florida recount study: Bush still wins� -
�Florida Recounts Would Have Favored Bush� - Washington Post
�Bush Still Had Votes to Win in a Recount, Study Finds� - Los Angeles Times

August 25, 2004 from a press release from the John Kerry campaign, �George Bush continues to refuse to do the right thing and denounce the Republican-backed smear campaign against John Kerry� The longer George Bush waits, the clearer it is what is going on � the Bush campaign is using the closely tied �Swift Boat Veterans for Bush� to promote lies about America�s veterans and he should be ashamed. The American public isn�t going to stand for these attacks.� You can read the entire release here.

�The Bush campaign is using the [SBVT] to promote lies about America�s veterans,� writes the Kerry campaign. I wonder, Mr. Kerry, if we were to read the book you wrote about the veterans of the Vietnam War would we find you promoting lies about America�s veterans? No, Mr. Kerry, not �Tour of Duty,� the book written 20 plus years after you served about your personal experiences in Vietnam. Not that book, but the book you refuse to acknowledge, the book you wrote after returning from Vietnam, the book you had the publisher pull from shelves, the book you won�t allow to be republished, the book you are deathly afraid of becoming public. Unfortunately for you, Mr. Kerry, the Internet is something you can�t sue into submission.

�The New Soldier� by John Kerry.

�We will not join those who march on Veterans' Day waving small flags, calling to memory those thousands who died for the �greater glory of the United States.� � We will not readily join the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars� We will not take solace from the creation of monuments or the naming of parks after a select few of the thousands of dead Americans... We will not uphold traditions which decorously memorialize that which was base and grim.�

John Kerry further writes, �there are two Americas -- the one the speeches are about and the one we really are. Rhetoric has blinded us so much that we are unable to see the realities which exist in this country.� I couldn�t of said it better myself, Mr. Kerry.

Mr. Kerry, why is it okay for you to attack and question our veterans, but it is not okay for them to defend themselves? You sir, should be ashamed of yourself.

Pro-Kerry supporters claim the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth must be lying because most of them did not serve on Kerry�s boat, therefore they could have no knowledge of what actually happened. You make the call, could the people in this picture have the ability to witness what was occurring to their fellow swiftees on a different swift boat?

The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth have signed legally binding affidavits swearing their testimonies are true. Mr. Kerry, if these 250 decorated soldiers are not telling the truth, why do you not file suit against them for defaming your character?

Have fun,


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