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Hypocrisy and the Misdirection Plays of the Left

Hypocrisy - a feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not; especially : the false assumption of an appearance of virtue or religion.
- Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

What are the values that separate civilized men from savage tyrants? Morality. Morality is many different things to many different people, but regardless of the particulars, modern civilizations can and do agree on several basic moral values. These values consist of respecting of elders, do not murder, do not betray, do not steal, and do not lie or say bad things of others. These common values are what separate men of integrity from the men of deception who will do and say whatever it takes to gain power and impose their own values on the society in question.

In 1960, the United States witnessed its closest election in history between Richard M. Nixon and John F. Kennedy. Two states during that election were the difference in the next president being Kennedy or Nixon. Those states were Texas and Illinois. Fannin County, Texas had only 4,895 registered voters. However, 6,138 votes were cast, 75% of which went to Kennedy. In one precinct of Angelina County, Texas, only 86 people voted, yet the final counts were 147 for Kennedy and 24 for Nixon. When this information was brought before the Texas Election Board consisted entirely of Democrats, they refused to hold a recount and the Board certified John Kennedy the winner in Texas. In Illinois, news reporters uncovered so many stories of voter fraud, including voting by the dead, that the Chicago Tribune concluded that "the election of November 8 was characterized by such gross and palpable fraud as to justify the conclusion that [Nixon] was deprived of victory.� When prominent Democrats are asked today about the shenanigans of the 1960 presidential election they brush it of with a sarcastic laugh.

Forty years later the U.S. would come to see another close presidential election. Today the media and left wing pundits like to insinuate that republicans and President Bush somehow stole the election. A look back at the facts shows just the opposite. The democrats failed in their second attempt at presidential election fraud. In St. Louis, MO, an Election Day lawsuit was filed in one of the cities heaviest democratic counties to keep the polls open late because the plaintiff feared he wouldn't get a chance to vote. It turned out the plaintiff in question was in fact a dead man. When he was later replaced by a live democrat U.S. congressional staffer with a similar name, the suit proceeded, despite that staffer having already voted earlier that day. Ignoring the case's obvious insanity, the judge ordered the polls kept open late, in violation of Missouri law. In the now infamous events in Florida, Al Gore�s campaign filed the first lawsuits in which they sought to restrict a Florida law forcing a mandatory statewide recount to only the predominantly democratic counties of Volusia, Broward, Dade and Palm Beach. After losing their case, the Gore campaign appealed to the Florida State Supreme Court, an overwhelmingly democratic court, which over turned the lower courts ruling which had originally upheld the state law requiring a full state-wide recount. At this point, Floridians seeking to protect their state�s rights and the Bush campaign had no other choice but to appeal that decision to the Federal Supreme Court, which once again over turned the ruling of the Florida Supreme court and upheld the Florida state law. After the mandatory state-wide recount Bush increased his lead over Al Gore. Since that time, several independent sources have attempted their own recount in an effort to show voter fraud on the side of the Bush campaign. However, in all recounts Bush has still maintained his official lead or even gained on his opponent.

Now that things are gearing up in the 2004 Presidential Election, once again the lengths that the left will go to for power are becoming evident. In twenty years in the senate, John Kerry voted 98 times to increase taxes on the middle class, he voted to decrease intelligence funding numerous times, he voted against every major piece of defense equipment to come before him from the F16 to body armor for the troops in Iraq. Despite the things most independent voters probably would not like about Kerry, he has loyally voted for the values of the extreme Left. He voted to raise gasoline taxes by 50 cents a gallon, he voted against any restriction on abortions, he voted no on banning partial birth abortion, he voted no on penalties for harming unborn fetuses like that of Lacy Peterson�s, he staunchly opposes the death penalty, he�s voted for every free trade agreement to come before him, and so on. He chose not to run on his liberal voting record, the one his party would be proud of, instead he has chosen to run as a war hero. Now that he has done so, he has drawn heavy criticism from those that served with him and veterans that served in other wars.

When John Kerry came back from Vietnam he became an avid anti-war protester. He testified before congress that US soldiers were evil mutilating, raping, and ravaging Vietnam and its people. He attacked the very men he served with. John Kerry is proud of his decent on the war and proud of how he used his first amendment rights to enact change. But now that other veterans are choosing to defend themselves from his attacks, now that he is trying to become the commander-in-chief, he doesn�t think they deserve to use their first amendment rights as he once did. His lawyers sent threatening letters to TV stations saying they would be sued if they aired ads from the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. They released press statements calling the over 300 member strong organization liars and bigots. Even after President Bush condemned such tactics by so-called 527 groups, they still pretend he hasn�t and they allege some form of collusion between the group and the Bush campaign. This is how democrats practice misdirection and they accuse others of doing what they are in fact doing.

The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth have raised $1.7 million dollars since their story has become so prevalent in this election. They have spent only a few hundred thousand on running their ads. In comparison, democrat sponsored 527�s like have spent over $68 million dollars attacking Bush. Even the chairmen of the Democratic Party, Terry McAuliffe has publicly called Bush a deserter. They want to criticize the Swift Boat Veterans for attacking Kerry�s service, but it�s certainly alright for them to mock Bush�s service. They want to infer that the Bush campaign is corrupt and working with the SBVT because they shared a single common lawyer who honorably resigned from the Bush campaign to be sure no one could insinuate impropriety, but it�s again no problem that Kerry�s own former campaign manager during this year�s primaries is the head of and that nearly all of their lawyers are lawyers for various liberal 527 groups. No one in the Kerry campaign with connections to 527s has done the honorable thing and stepped down from their post.

When will the American people say enough is enough? The left continues to commit immoral acts openly and in the very same breath accuse their opponents of doing the same. Election fraud and 527 groups are only a small sampling of the hypocrisy latent throughout the Democratic Party where apparently the ends really do justify the means.

Have fun,


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