Behold the Freshness:

Verizon CTO weighs in on Access Fees
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Franchise Agreement Controversy
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At&t/SBC, Verizon, BellSouth owe you $2000
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The Undocumented Blogger
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How do you tell someone how much they mean to you?

How do you tell someone how much they mean to you?
Do you tell them they are the first thing you think of each morning, the last thing at night, and a million other times in between?
Do you tell them you dream of them while you sleep?
Do you tell them you hear their name spoken by strangers when you least expect it?
Do you tell them you see them in your rearview mirror, across a crowded room, and coming towards you from a far, just to realize it's not them?
Do you tell them they inspire you to be a better person?
Do you tell them life is just going through the motions without them in it?
Do you tell them time stands still when you are with them and slows to a crawl when you are apart?
Do you tell them when you are not together that you worry about where they are, who they are with, and what they are doing?
Do you tell them with every beat of your heart you urn to be with them?
Do you tell them you fear never seeing or hearing them again?
Do you tell them how hard it is to let go when you embrace?
How do YOU tell someone how much they mean to you?

Life on this Earth is short, yet more often than not we fail to tell those we care about how we feel. Who has not dreamed of what we would tell that person if we new our time was about to end?

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