Behold the Freshness:

Verizon CTO weighs in on Access Fees
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Kyle Smith's Love Monkey
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Franchise Agreement Controversy
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At&t/SBC, Verizon, BellSouth owe you $2000
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The Undocumented Blogger
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WMD this fuddpuckers!

Did you know we have found lots of WMD in Iraq and the major media outlets fail to report that fact to the voting constituients? Ladies and gentlemen, I now give you Iraq WMD:

Deadly Nerve Agent found in Iraq - June 2, 2004

US removes nearly 1.5 tons of enriched Uranium found in Iraq � July 7, 2004

IED (Improvised Explosive Device) contains sarin gas, mustard gas discovered in separate incident - May 17, 2004

And quite possibly the biggest news of all�

Nuclear arms found in Iraq, reports Iraqi paper - July 21, 2004

So WMDs have been found� what about the link between Al Qaeda and Iraq� 9/11 commission didn�t find one or did they?

UN scandal, $10 billion dollar cash cow - June 27, 2004

Putin says Russia warned U.S. of terror attacks being plotted by Saddam in U.S. and abroad - June 20, 2004

The Connection - June 7, 2004

Does this link Saddam to 9/11? - Dec. 14, 2003

9/11 connection or not, it is clear that Iraq posed an immanent threat to the United States and its citizens abroad. This situation we are now in could have been avoided had the U.N. and the U.S. chosen to act in the 12 years after the Gulf War, when Saddam was continually thumbing his nose at U.N. sanctions and weapons inspectors. Instead the Clinton administration chose to let him fester like an infected boil running over with pus. It took the horror of 9/11 to show us that the U.S. is not loved in the rest of the world, muslims hate us for our support for Israel, Europeans hate us for our moral values and economic status, and extreme liberals hate us because we aren�t socialists� as one wise man said, �Besides slavery, fascism, Nazism, and socialism, war never solved anything.�

Did you guess which thing was not like the others?

Did you guess which thing just doesn't belong?

If you guessed this one is not like the others,

Then you're absolutely...right!

Golfer Mianne Bagger, the picture in the upper left corner, is indeed the �one� that doesn�t belong. Why? Well, its not because of her hair, its not because she isn�t a golfer, its not her bottom teeth, its not even her long hair, it is the penis she once concealed between her legs, the one that has since been surgically inserted inside of her� Yes UB, quite simply, she is a she-male�

Unfortunately no one got the full answer correct so no one will receive the 25 point prize with 100 point bonus. However, several of you did pick the correct person, all be it for the wrong reasons, so enjoy your 25 points each: Juddhole, Uncle Bob, and Bigpimpinmba. Warcrygirl will receive 10 points for correctly identifying the reason the �one� didn�t belong.

The great big hotcarl blog contest Leader Board.

Question numberrr 5, ah ah aahhhh!

Many facts and myths exist around our favorite cola beverage, Coca Cola. Can you tell me what the original color of its contents was?

Have fun,


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