Behold the Freshness:

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The Undocumented Blogger
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Newsweek Hates America, too!

I know what you are thinking.� You think I am stretching that statement because a Newsweek reporter manufactured a source for a story about desecrating the Quran.� Well, you are wrong.� Although, I definitely feel falsifying sources and/or not confirming them is a gross injustice against the society that puts its trust in a publication to report the news and not make it.� But nope, it's not about the Quran (which arguably belongs in the toilet) its about the blatant anti-Americanism Newsweek attempts to hide from the U.S.

Take for example this cover that ran on the February 2nd issue:

This cover features Hilary Swank, Jamie Foxx, and Leonardo DiCaprio with the title Oscar Confidential.� This same issue carried a different cover in other parts of the world:

Yep, on the Japanese cover, that's the American flag in the trash.� And on the international cover that was distributed in Canada and Europe, that's President Bush under the statement that questions America's roll in the world.� Not only are the symbolism, images, and titles completely different than their U.S. counterpart, but the themes of the issues are completely different uncovering the blatant anti-American sentiment of Newsweek.� The cover distributed in the U.S. read, "Oscar Confidential," but the international cover reads "America Leads ... But Is Anyone Following?," and the Japanese cover reads, "The day America died."

Both the Japanese and international editions also featured cover stories by Andrew Moravcsik. But the piece is noticeably absent in the U.S. edition.

So now, I guess you can put Newsweek in there with Pepsi on companies I will be boycotting.� I urge you all to do the same.� Until people realize there is a difference between descent and treason, frauds like this will continue to be perpetrated on an unsuspecting U.S. population.

Have fun,

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