Behold the Freshness:

Verizon CTO weighs in on Access Fees
- 2006-03-31

Kyle Smith's Love Monkey
- 2006-03-07

Franchise Agreement Controversy
- 2006-02-21

The End of Free Lunch?
- 2006-02-07

At&t/SBC, Verizon, BellSouth owe you $2000
- 2006-02-01

The Undocumented Blogger
See it!

Say it!

Buy it!

Stand to my left, girl. �Cause you just aint right.

I started the Atkins diet plan a couple weeks ago, hoping to shed a few extra pounds� then I realized you could only have like 25-40 carbs per day forever and decided that cut into my social binge drinking far too much. Instead I think I�ll have something laced with ephedrine smuggled in from Canada. Yes, smuggled. The pharmaceutical companies managed to pressure the FDA here in the U.S. to ban the diet supplement claiming it increases your risk of heart attacks. Um, so does being fat FDA. By the way, in the last 15 years, 15 people have died from believed ephedrine related conditions. Last year, 155 people died from eating peanuts. I wonder why the FDA doesn�t ban peanuts. Oh that�s right; the drug companies don�t make prescription artificial peanuts.

In case you can�t hear it as load as I can, the Thunderbirds have been flying over head all day. It�s making my head hurt. They are training for the big KC air show this weekend. It�s annoying, but with the boss being the big aviation buff that he is, we�ll be taking a short hiatus from work to head down to the downtown airport and gawk at the planes before the official show starts tomorrow. For those of you who aren�t familiar with the Thunderbirds, they are similar to the Navy�s Blue Angels, but fly F-16s with crappy paint jobs.

Working for an ISP, I waste a lot of time dealing with spam, spammers, and those that complain about it. I�ve tracked spammers to their places of business, to their homes, and to their primary ISP. Sometimes, I get so fed up with spammers I am forced to torment them. On one such occasion I went a head and filled out one of those emails letting me know I have already been pre-approved for a 10 million dollar home loan and that I should act now. Armed with a bit of false personal information and a disposable phone number, I was ready. Derrick would be my name and refinancing my game.

It took a few days but the calls started coming in, and in, and in, and in for days, then weeks, then months. Seems these spammers sold my information as a person interested in a home loan and the person who bought it sold it to another list broker and so on until every refi company in the country had the info. For awhile I would politely answer the phone, waste about 10 minutes of their time asking weird questions like, �My home is only valued at 35 cents because its an old Sears refrigerator box. Do you think I could borrow 125% of its value?� Some I�d ask for their address and contact information, and then I�d inform them I would be contacting the Missouri state Attorney General because they just violated the Missouri No Spam law. Some would just hang up, but others, the fun ones, would get all pissed and offended that I would dare waste their time. Those were the fun ones. They always claimed they didn�t spam me. They weren�t lying, but they were buying from those who buy from spammers and in doing so were causing me and millions of others to be spammed. To this day, nearly a year later, the random person still calls to speak with Derrick.

Have fun,


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