Behold the Freshness:

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At&t/SBC, Verizon, BellSouth owe you $2000
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The Undocumented Blogger
See it!

Say it!

Buy it!

Light fuse and get away!

Well, well, well. The best holiday of the year is just days away (or is today if you are reading this on Sunday, or was yesterday if this is Monday). What was I talking about again? Oh yeah, the 4th of July, Independence Day.

When I was a child I always looked forward to the fourth and to going with my dad up to the fireworks stand both here in KC and occasionally in Coffeeville, KS when the holiday took us on the road and buying as much explosive crap as we could carry. I would then proceed to take all the loud day-time fireworks, you know fire crackers, m-80s, bottle rockets, parachutes, smoke bombs, snakes, no not snakes those were for little girls, and I�d strap them to every toy I could get my destructive little hands on. From blowing up models, to launching Sgt. Slaughter and his GI Joe friends into low earth orbit, I was always having an explosively good time.

In my latter teen years, my friends and I liked to shoot at each other with bottle rockets and roman candles. Only one kid lost an eye and just that one time, so it was all in good fun.

As I grew older and up in society, I begin living in areas that had the old cedar shake roofs and with that came the bans on fireworks that fly� basically everything but sparklers. And that pretty much was the end of the Fourth of July fun for me. Now the Fourth consists of eating burgers and watching some corporate sponsored firework display, not very fun for those of us that remember the good ole days.

Now that people are waking up and realizing cedar shake roofs will cause your house to burn down no matter if you use fireworks or not, and have been removing them from their homes, I am holding out hope that the fireworks industry will be able to make a come back. Until the safety Nazis back off a bit, I think I will have to continue waiting impatiently though.

Crazy Harry where are you? Did they silence you too? I want to shop for your beautifully colorful displays of patriotism in your 1500 square foot air-conditioned warehouse! Please come back Harry at save us from these �celebration safe� imitations!

Have fun,


P.S. If at least one dumb person doesn�t lose a hand, it wasn�t a good 4th of July.

P.P.S. I literally just got off the phone with a company calling about Derrick�s recent inquiry into mortgage rates. How�s that for speaking of the devil?

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