Behold the Freshness:

Verizon CTO weighs in on Access Fees
- 2006-03-31

Kyle Smith's Love Monkey
- 2006-03-07

Franchise Agreement Controversy
- 2006-02-21

The End of Free Lunch?
- 2006-02-07

At&t/SBC, Verizon, BellSouth owe you $2000
- 2006-02-01

The Undocumented Blogger
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8 seconds and BJ Cramps

Driving into work this morning, I was waiting with baited breath for the local country radio station's upcoming guest, famed ImPRA pro rodeo rider, B.J. Cramps. Unfortunately, I was to go on waiting forever. It seems BJ had to cancel his appearence due to a major medical reason. The DJs didn't say, but my guess it had to do with his jaw or neck.

I was in luck though, the ImPRA rodeo did send a replacement. Can't quite remember his name, Jack or John or something. I didn't stick around listening long enough to see, or rather hear, if anyone asked him the question that was most prominant on my mind, "Jack, have you ever ridden with BJ Cramps?" Even though I didn't get to hear the answer, I am sure he has. Seriously, what rodeo star hasn't ridden with BJ Cramps?

Note to self: delete all potentially problem causing text messages and phone numbers from cell phone, even if they are months old.

If you tell your wife you no longer speak to a certain someone that came between you and you actually don't anymore, its definately not good if you keep a message around and she finds that message and it says, "see you in 30," and that message is only 2 months old. Although I hopefully put her mind at ease, lets just say I won't be having any rodeo sex anytime soon. If you don't know what rodeo sex is, look it up.

See Pork, I can close the loop, too.

Have fun,


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