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The Undocumented Blogger
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Abraham begot Ishmael and Isaac.

Before I go about my ranting and raving, I though it best to enclose a small disclaimer for all of you that choose to judge people one way or the other. For those that would choose to label me a religious zealot, you could not be more wrong. I am an atheist. For those that would believe I am an anti-religious extremist, you too couldn�t be more wrong. I value religious belief and those who find peace and solidarity in it. After reading the remainder of this rant, their may be those who choose to label me a racist or an anti-Semite, again they would be completely wrong and misinformed, I only hate old people.

Newspapers throughout the world have been filled with stories of terrorism and war for the past several years, but none of these stories attempt to discover why these events have occurred. To understand the motivations of the Islamic terrorists, we must take a look at the complete story and history of that part of the world. Since we don�t have that kind of time, I have other people to bestow my wisdom on, I will summarize.

The story of Abraham depicts the birth of Islam. In short, Abraham�s wife Sarah was unable to bare a child, so she begged him to have a child wife one of her slaves, an Egyptian. He did and soon after Ishmael was born, Abraham�s first son. Several years later God came to Abraham and rewarded him for his loyalty by granting Sarah fertility. A little while later, Abraham�s second son was born, Isaac. After a few years Sarah became worried that Ishmael might take what she felt her son was entitled too, you no money, power, his Microsoft stock, so she asked for Abraham to banish him and his mother. Reluctantly Abraham agreed after God spoke with him and told him he would grant Ishmael his own nation. Thus Islam was born.

Muslims look at this story as the birth of Christianity and Islam, therefore they look at Christians as brothers and you can see why Muslims hold such resentment towards Jews. This in and of itself is not, in and of itself, why the world is at where it is. For that we have continue through history a bit, so come step inside my DeLorean and behold my flux capacitor.

In 635 AD Arabs concurred what was then called Palestine and is now called Israel. After many political uprisings, the Muslims took control of the region in the 12th century. Although falling under the control of several different countries over the next 800 years, Palestine remained predominantly Muslim.

In the late 19th century Anti-Semitism was growing throughout Europe and Russia. Out of that persecution, Zionism was born. Much to my dismay, this had nothing to do with the Matrix. Zionists believed the only way to insure the survival of the Jewish religion was to restore the nation known as Israel and returning it to Jewish control. To facilitate this, they began migrating to the region after the British took control of Palestine during WWI.

Finally, following the end of WWII and the Holocaust, Britain decided to pull out of the Middle East and return control of their territories over to the people of the region, except Palestine. There they proposed setting up a new country called Israel and turning it over to the Jews. In 1948, a British mandate backed by the U.S. president Harry Truman did just that.

Ok, that�s the end of the history lesson. As you can see, decisions made based on religious belief over moral belief can have huge ramifications. Despite Palestine not being a Jewish state for nearly 1500 years, our forefathers looked to the bible which claims Palestine is rightfully Jewish land, instead of looking at our own history and knowledge. Look at the American Indian. We, being Europeans, settled here and slowly took the land from them. Although we have made some concessions, such as giving them uninhabitable land, alcoholism, and gambling problems, we have no intention of giving them the land back we rightfully stole. Why would we think that was a good decision for Israel?

Regardless, the bed has been made, so now we have to lay in it. Again, we ignore our own history. One man, one vote a motto our country lives by. It doesn�t seem to be the motto of freedom in Israel. Instead, they believe in one Jew, one vote and in building walls to separate the righteous from the rest. Because walls are never put in the right place, the Israeli government continues to move that wall further and further into the territories set aside for the Palestinians for the sole purpose of building new suburban type housing developments and strip malls for Israelis, well maybe not the strip malls.

Without equal representation, without the ability to create an army or self defense forces, what did we really think the results of these actions would be? When people are desperate, they resort to desperate measures, and so terrorism was born in the Middle East.

Now wait just a second before you go off thinking, �this guy is just some crazy Anti-Semite.� Terrorism is never the answer. Killing innocent people, regardless of your motive, is wrong. Unless you are me, I should be able to kill whom ever I want, damn laws. No one should ever give into terrorism, as it only encourages terrorists to continue their strategy, because it works. Resulting to terror to make your argument just shows how ignorant you really are.

In our modern society, every country in the western world feels they need to rush to the aide of anyone who feels they are being oppressed, whether it�s South Africa or Bosnia or Haiti or any other country for that matter. Israel is no different, except the oppressed have turned to killing kids. If they were students of what motivates decision processes in the western world, they would know the best solution to their problem would be to stand out on the corner protesting and screaming for equal rights, going on to TV and begging for equal rights or handing out money.

Why then do they feel the need to terrorize Americans, too? Simple, while Israel retaliates to suicide bombings by launching rockets into apartment complexes, the rest of the world, the UN included condemns the practice and urges them to cease and desist. The U.N. has tried to pass resolutions sanctioning Israel for their actions several times. Each and every time a loan dissenting voice vetoes the resolution, that loan voice, you guessed it, is the United States.

The U.S. has used its veto power in the U.N. a little over 60 times, nearly 60% of those were to veto resolutions targeted towards Israel. It�s not hard to see how Muslim extremists are making the link between what the Israeli government is doing to the Palestinians and us. Starting a war over there, regardless of reason, is not helping that opinion.

Only by recognizing the cause, and calling a spade, a spade, can we ever hope to end this conflict. Israel is in the driver�s seat. I only hope they will, someday soon, realize that what their government is doing is no different than what the Nazi government was doing in the 1930�s.

I will leave you with this ironic, yet horrifying bit of info, Harry Truman thought something like this would occur and he wrote about it in his journal. He also wrote about a bad case of V.D. he got from a toilet seat, but that is not really on topic. In case you haven�t heard about it, take a gander at this.


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