Behold the Freshness:

Verizon CTO weighs in on Access Fees
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Kyle Smith's Love Monkey
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Franchise Agreement Controversy
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At&t/SBC, Verizon, BellSouth owe you $2000
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The Undocumented Blogger
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To all the girls I've loved before...

I am sitting down to write this entry with no clue as to what to talk about. If I go ahead and continue with the entry, does that make me self involved, that I feel I must impart my opinions and otherwise worthless knowledge on the faceless masses? Perhaps it does, but I just don�t give a flying fuck.

Judd seems to be going through a rough time. He just recently got engaged and it would appear that all he felt so sure about just a few short weeks ago is no more. To Judd I have to say, �I know it sucks, but you�re better off.� If Judd were here now, I�d point him in the direction of and say, �Not only are you better off, but you probably saved yourself a lot more of the inevitable bullshit that as sure to come� and a whole lot more cash to boot.�

I made similar mistakes but was not granted the wisdom to recognize them at the time. I married my girl friend of several, several years� in fact we have been together since our sophomore year in high school. I feel comfortable admitting that the only reason I got married was because, at the time, it just felt like the logical next step and I had been holding out long enough. It wasn�t because I knew I would spend the rest of my life with her. I had my doubts.

I wouldn�t trade the time we�ve shared together, our good life, or our beautiful children, but I can�t help wondering what I may have missed or am missing or whether I wouldn�t be able to find that one person that I really am completely and madly head over heels in love with, the one that makes your heart flutter, the one that is the first thing you think of when you awaken and the last thing you think of before you fall asleep and the person you long to be with every moment in-between. Maybe the whole soul mate thing is a myth and I am better off for the decisions I�ve made, I just don�t know. I can, however, say that I tried to explore those feelings of incompleteness a little over a year ago. It was only when I was on the verge of divorce, living in an over priced apartment, and on the brink of financial disaster when the look in my daughters eyes finally convinced me that no matter how empty my life felt in terms of mad, passionate love, that it was worth those feelings to see her grow up, to be there for her and my son.

My parents were divorced when I was fairly young. I saw my father maybe once a month and a few weeks in the summer. As years went by we grew apart and I haven�t spoken to him in a couple years. He hasn�t even seen my son. Not a choice of mine, mind you, those are just the circumstances of the situation. I remember what it was like to have divorced parents and the strain the lack of having a strong male roll model had on my life. I won�t let that happen to my kids.

I love my wife and I don�t want it to seem otherwise. Everyday I strive to do right by her, I don�t lie, I don�t cheat, and 90% of the time she gets things her way as I am beaten into submission and finally given. I guess all I am trying to say in this whole long diatribe, Judd, is you are better off. You�re young, your free of any major life obligations, go out and get as much punanny as you possibly can�. That being said, sport a condom as the answer to yesterday�s quiz will soon attest.

Never let it be said that I am holding out on any of you� 75%, yes 75%, 3 out of 4, that�s how many people are infected with the STD, Human Papillomavirus. Worse yet, Chris Harrison, host of ABC�s The Bachelor, claims that over 75% of the females they interview for the show fail to make it past the medical screenings because of STDs. So let that be a lesson to you. BTW, 3 people gave answers to this quiz. If you count me in that group, that means all three of them are infected with an STD, so watch out boys! Ok, so as I write this two more people have answered, for the sake of a numbers game we�ll just assume they are dirty whores too.

Props go to Warcrygirl for being the first to recognize humans are a diseased lot. 50 points is her prize.

The great big hotcarl blog contest Leader Board, if you�re not on it, you must be stupid. Wait, I am not on it. OK, if you are not me and not on the Leader Board you must be stupid. Yeah, that�s better.

Question #12� Will it be about eggs? Doughnuts perhaps? Nope, it has nothing to do with food at all, MUHAHAHAHAHA!

What are the next three symbols in the series?

Have fun,


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