Behold the Freshness:

Verizon CTO weighs in on Access Fees
- 2006-03-31

Kyle Smith's Love Monkey
- 2006-03-07

Franchise Agreement Controversy
- 2006-02-21

The End of Free Lunch?
- 2006-02-07

At&t/SBC, Verizon, BellSouth owe you $2000
- 2006-02-01

The Undocumented Blogger
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I severely need a breath mint�

After seeing so many people get so much enjoyment out of the couch-lady, I thought it might be a good idea to explore the world of things you can�t �unsee.� Boy was I wrong. Not only was it a bad idea to go down this path, I think I have scarred myself for life. So let this be your warning, do not follow these links if you are easily offended, grossed out, or looking forward to keeping your innocence. Ye be warned.


All I have to say, �HA HA!� Now, for all that is holy, take this worthless Olympic shit of my TV!

The correct answer was Jimmy Carter. That crazy ass peanut farmer loves his aliens.

Jackie joins the leader board with her correct answer and the 80 points (80 being the year Jimmy lost his job) she received as a result.

Question 0

According to the �Bible Code,� when and how will the Earth be destroyed?

Have fun,


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